Wednesday, December 11, 2013

5 Tips to Keeping Your Christmas Tree Fresh!

1. Cut your own from a local farm, or have one cut for you.  However, if you choose to buyt a pre-cut tree from a nursery, store or scout troop, ask them how recently they were harvested, and where they came from. The fresher the tree, the longer it will last.

2. If you bought a pre-cut tree, it's important to make a cut across the bottom, removing an inch or an inch and a half off the bottom. That's because once it is cut, the sap in the tree will start sealing over the base, and this will hinder its ability to absorb water. 

3. As soon as possible, get the tree in water. The base of the cut tree should never dry out, in order to keep the needles fresher.

4. Keep the tree away from direct sunlight, heaters or fans. Be cognizant of fire hazards and make sure your lights are all in good condition.

5. Once you are done with your tree for the season, don't just toss it on the curb, where it will end up taking landfill space. Recycle it!

By taking good care of your tree, it can last up to a month! 

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